On Sat, 05.09.15 13:48, Michał Zegan (webczat_...@poczta.onet.pl) wrote:

> Hello.
> I have a kvm vps running archlinux with systemd-225, I have just upgraded
> systemd and probably restarted most of the systemd components.
> I am trying machinectl shell from my ordinary user session over ssh. it
> gives me the possibility to authenticate as admin, then says that it
> connected to the local host. But, it disconnects immediately.
> The message in the journal says:
> container-shell@5.service: Failed at step STDIN spawning /bin/sh: No such
> file or directory
> Is it my fault or a systemd bug?

This should be fixed in systemd git. Also, we'll do a new release very
soon where that's fixed.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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