On 09/07/2015 11:28 AM, Richard Maw wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 06, 2015 at 12:43:51PM +0200, Francis Moreau wrote:
>> How is this handled ? Should we put a big warning in sshd_config to hint
>> user to configure ListenAddress in sshd.socket in the case socket
>> activation is used ?
>> Or should sshd simply ignore all listening addresses defined in sshd_config
>> when in socket activation mode ?
> That would be my preferred solution. I may be missing something important 
> here,
> but I'd always assumed that sshd wouldn't need to worry about the listen
> address if something else was accepting the connections on the socket.

The downside of this would be that starting the service directly (ie not
the socket unit) won't work anymore

> As another alternative though, you could consider the sshd_config file the
> canonical location for the listen address, and have a generator parse
> sshd_config, and write a drop-in snippet for sshd.socket to set the
> ListenAddress.

Indeed that would work and would solve the problem, however not sure
that sshd_config file will be available at the time when the generator
will need it.

Also the generator would have to be generic enough to parse and support
several config file syntax. And regarding the number of different config
file syntax (can even be xml !), I'm not sure it will be a good idea.

Do you think that would be something that systemd upstream would be
interested in ? Maybe there were already some discussions/works around
that ?


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