Hi list,

I'm experimenting with machinectl/nspawn to deploy multiple webservices on
a single host. I have some trouble to remove unused images. Here is what
I'm trying to do:

# machinectl terminate preprod

# machinectl list

0 machines listed.

# machinectl list-images
NAME     TYPE      RO  USAGE  CREATED                      MODIFIED
preprod  subvolume no  516.9M Sat 2016-04-30 21:30:06 CEST n/a
preprod2 subvolume no  470.5M Sat 2016-04-30 22:33:53 CEST n/a
preprod3 subvolume no  486.6M Sat 2016-04-30 23:04:22 CEST n/a

3 images listed.

# machinectl remove preprod
Could not remove image: Device or resource busy

# systemctl restart /var/lib/machines

# machinectl remove preprod
Could not remove image: Device or resource busy

I've got this error even after (physically) rebooting the host.

I tried searching the Web to find some resources, but the only related
result I can find is a bug report about disk quota[1], but I don't have any
issue about disk quota.

Is it a known issue? is there any tool to help me diagnose this? I tried
toying around with lsof and fuser but without any success, but I am not an

I am using an up to date ArchLinux box with systemd 229, with the default
configuration for machinectl and nspawn services. Images are imported via
machinectl import-tar.

[1] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/1968
Benoît Zugmeyer
systemd-devel mailing list

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