On 06/07/2016 03:13 PM, Hebenstreit, Michael wrote:

  we need to keep the OS of our systems are stripped down to an absolute bare 

If you need absolute bare minimum systemd [¹] then you need to create/maintain your entire distribution for that ( for example you would build systemd so you just with what you need and use systemd's built in networkd not NetworkManager, timesyncd not ntp etc, change sshd to be socket activate, only install components necessary for the application to run, kernel mods so fourth and so on ) .

If you need to perform benchmark on Red Hat and it's derivatives/clones then disable this would scew the benchmark output on those would it not?

Can you clarify how dbus-daemon, systemd-journald, systemd-logind, systemd-udevd are causing issue/impacting in the above setup some thing more than "I dont think we need it hence we want to disable it".


1. https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/MinimalBuilds/
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