Also, it was me sending SIGKILL, not systemctl. systemctl sent SIGTERM
and then finished. But process is still running, so system ended up in
weird state.

On 19 April 2017 at 15:25, Samuel Williams
<> wrote:
> I am using MariaDB - and the .service file launches mysqld directly -
> it doesn't use mysqld_safe
> Here is the basic config, from Arch linux package:
> -- mariadb.service
> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/mysqld $MYSQLD_OPTS $_WSREP_NEW_CLUSTER
> ExecStartPost=/bin/sh -c "systemctl unset-environment _WSREP_START_POSITION"
> KillMode=process
> KillSignal=SIGTERM
> SendSIGKILL=no
> Restart=on-abort
> RestartSec=5s
> I checked correctly and the log output did appear stopped. Even though
> the process was still running. The log output of mysqld during
> recovery is only single progress counter without any newline
> character.. perhaps this was part of the problem?
> I'm happy to have started a useful discussion, and I'm happy to
> provide any feedback. I think, ideally, the service should be marked
> as "starting up" but not "running" until recovery is complete. That's
> because it won't accept connections until the table is fixed. However,
> while in this starting up state, during table recovery, if something
> bad happens, service may crash.
> I think ideally, if the service is taking a long time to start up, the
> log output should be written directly to the person who invoked
> systemctl, so they can see what is going on.
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