Am 27.09.20 um 23:39 schrieb Benjamin Berg:
>>>> however, that value makes little to no sense and if that's the same
>>>> value as accounted for "MemoryMax" it's plain wrong
> But it does make sense. File caches are part of the working set of
> memory that a process needs. Setting MemoryMax=/MemoryMin=
> limits/guarantees the size of this working set. These kinds of limits
> or protections would be a lot less meaningful if caches were not
> accounted for.

sorry but that is complete nosense

caches are freed as soon whatever process asks for RAM and so they are
*not* part of the working set

that kind of limits are completly useless when i would limit a service
to 4 GB but because it served a few million different files within the
last weeks which are accounted to it's cache and working set it's now

my webserver is killed because it served at monday, tuesday, thursday
and friday 4 different files with 2 GB?

frankly my webserver can't even do anything against caching of teh VFS
layer and is not responsible at all nor do other services

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