Am 19.02.21 um 08:44 schrieb Ulrich Windl:
Lennart Poettering <> schrieb am 18.02.2021 um 19:30
Nachricht <YC6yQIX+7MFLvhmc@gardel-login>:
entry instead of asking for new memory again. This allocation cache is
a bit quicker then going to malloc() all the time, but means if you
just watch the heap you'll assume there's a leak even though there
isn't really, the memory is not lost after all, and will be reused
eventually if we need it.

That's an interesting point of view: If you save memory in case you might need
it at some unspecified later time (which includes "never") it's "practically"
(while not theoretically) a memory leak

following that logic every memory pool and mysql buffer would be a memleak

a memleak is *unintended* and never freed memory allocation, practically as well as theoretically

you can argue about the size of such cases but it don't make them a memleak to begin with
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