Dear all,

I am experiencing the issue, that an unprivileged user can kill root-owned 
processes by changing a service's PIDFile.

Situation: We are running a web service based on a software which is maintained 
by "external" developers. The service is running as an unprivileged user and 
the maintaing developers have access to the server and to this user account to 
make updates and apply fixes themselves and independently from the system 

In a nutshell we have:

a) an unprivileged user "srvcusr", where "external" persons have access to

b) a start script /path1/to/ which basically does
[... initialize the environment ...]
run_service_script &
echo $! > $PIDFILE
"srvcusr" cannot modify this startscript!

c) a unit file with (in very short):

d) a `sudo` configuration which allows "srvcusr" to start and stop the service

Problem: To run the service as "srvcusr", this accounts needs write access to 
$PIDFILE.  However this also allows the user to write arbitrary PIDs to the 
file.  Once (s)he has done so and stops the service (`sudo systemctl stop 
myservice`), this process will be killed even if it doesn't belong to 
"srvcusr".  It doesn't work with PID=1 but it works with webservers, rootshell 
ecc. ecc.

This is either a hole in systemd (which I cannot imagine) or a wrong usage of 
running a service on behalf of an non-root UID.

This happens on CentOS 7.4.170 (for technical reasons we are currently bound to 
this version) with systemd version 219, release 42.

Any hint on how to fix this is very appreciated.
Thanks, Frank
systemd-devel mailing list

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