Am Donnerstag, dem 01.09.2022 um 19:17 -0300 schrieb Sergio Belkin:
> El jue, 1 sept 2022 a las 16:22, Silvio Knizek
> (<>) escribió:
> > Am Donnerstag, dem 01.09.2022 um 14:59 -0300 schrieb Sergio Belkin:
> > > 
> > > This is the unit file:
> > > [Unit]
> > > Description=VirtualBox VM %i
> > > vboxdrv.service
> > >
> > > 
> > > [Service]
> > > Type=forking
> > > Restart=no
> > > TimeoutSec=5min
> > > IgnoreSIGPIPE=no
> > > KillMode=process
> > > GuessMainPID=no
> > > RemainAfterExit=no
> > > 
> > > #ExecStart=/usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxHeadless --comment RHEL7 --
> > > startvm
> > > f02a9f08-2ff2-4a92-b3cd-a8dfb17513c6 --vrde config 
> > > ExecStart=/usr/bin/VBoxManage startvm %i --type headless
> > > ExecStop=/usr/bin/VBoxManage controlvm %i acpipowerbutton
> > > 
> > > [Install]
> > >
> > > 
> > > (End of file)
> > > 
> > > What is the proper way to configure this kind of unit?
> > > 
> > > Thanks in advance
> > > 
> > Is this really a forking process? Or do you just instruct some
> > daemon
> > via a RPC call to start your VM? In this case no actuall process
> > would
> > be there.
> > If there is a forking process, can you instruct VBoxManage to run
> > in
> > the foreground?
> > Or do you need to start some daemon process first and if not
> > already
> > running, than VBoxManage does so? This would explain the lingering
> > processes.
> > In generall your KillMode=process is what keeps the other processes
> > running in the cgroup. Just remove it.
> > 
> > Also, your Before= line is bogus. And if your vboxdrv.service just
> > contains the lines to load the vbox modules, you would be far
> > better of
> > with some snippet in /etc/modules-load.d
> > 
> > Oh, and as you run in user mode, _all_ your Before= and After=
> > entries
> > are useless, as user units can't see and reference system units.
> > 
> > So yeah, your goal would be to see how you can actually start the
> > VM
> > process via CLI and nothing else.
> > 
> > BR
> > Silvio
> Hi Silvio,
> Nice answer.
> How to tell if it is a forking process?
> The command  "/usr/bin/VBoxManage startvm RHEL7  --type headless"
> exits  and then it runs "/usr/bin/VBoxManage startvm RHEL7  --type
> headles"
> Thanks again!


please keep answers on-list.
For your message, I don't understand it. The command forks/exists and
runs itself? Or did you copy it wrong the second time? Has VBoxManage
other command line parameters you can use for _not_ forking?

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