On Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 12:25 PM Vadim Lebedev <vadiml1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm preparing ubuntu-based live boot disk. It works fine mostly, but on some 
> machines equipped with Nvidia Quadro cards the default nouveau driver causes 
> problems (temporary freezes). I've determined that buy blacklisting nouveau 
> driver (in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf) I can fix the problem. However 
> this approach inhibits nouveau driver for every nvidia equipped machine which 
> is an overkill. Of course, i can detect the presence of the Quadro card after 
> the boot, blacklist it, do update-initramfs -u and reboot but this approach 
> modifies live boot disk and I would like to avoid that. I wonder if there is 
> a way to detect the presence of nvidia Quadro somewhere very early in the 
> boot sequence and prevent loading of the offending driver and fall back to 
> standard VESA driver.
> I've tried too create a service file:
> [Unit]
> Description=Disable Nouveau driver
> DefaultDependencies=no
> Before=kmod.service

Drivers for devices are usually loaded dynamically by udev. What does
kmod.service do? I would guess you rather want

> [Service]
> Type=oneshot
> ExecStart=/usr/bin/ocd-blacklist-nouveau.sh
> ========================
> and the shell script
> #!/bin/bash
> set -x
> if /usr/bin/lspci | /usr/bin/grep Quadro >/dev/null; then
>    /usr/bin/logger Found Nvidia Quadro device. Disabling Nouveau driver
>    echo blacklist nouveau >/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf
> else
>    rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf
> fi
> But it seems that the service is not executed...

For service to be executed something needs to cause this service to be
executed - other unit dependency or explicit request to start. The
mere presence of unit definition on disk does not mean systemd will
try to activate it. You can manually create links of use usual install


followed by "systemctl enable your.service".

Or you could create a generator that runs before systemd begins
activating any service.

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