
I got redirected to here from #systemd on Libera. While responding to a query from another person (not on #systemd), I came across an ambiguity. Any answer I give, its validity would be uncertain. I wish to receive an authoritative clarification.

There is systemd-cryptsetup binary in “/usr/lib/systemd/”. Its location suggests it’s internal to systemd and not intended for user invocation. However, it is also listed in manual as if it was something the user might be concerned with. The manual even has a specific, separate, explicit reference to systemd-cryptsetup page — though it’s shared with the corresponding service and the binary itself isn’t described.

Thanks in advance for indicating, if systemd-cryptsetup (the binary) is a tool users may rely on.


PS Please note that I don’t want to argue with anybody, what is their opinion on this matter. I reach out to systemd-devel to obtain an authoritative answer. Stable interfaces page is not actually answering the above question, “all binaries have entries in manual” is not true, placement in “/usr/lib” is already mentioned by me, and I am aware that systemd-cryptsetup@.service and systemd-cryptsetup the binary are related.

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