No, and that doesn't sound like a good fit for systemd-tmpfiles anyway.

Use an ordinary Type=oneshot .service instead. (In current systemd
versions, you can even specify StandardOutput to be a file; in older
versions calling `/bin/sh -c "... > file"` is fine.)

Your email domain has a strict SPF/DMARC policy, and the obsolete
mailing-list system used by does not play well with that,
leading to some places such as Gmail quarantining all list-relayed messages
from you. (I think it's because the list server damages your DKIM

On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 12:44 PM Renjaya Raga Zenta <> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I'd like to create a temporary file using systemd-tmpfiles. The file
> will contain merge of multiple text files. Can the argument field in
> tmpfiles.d be a path to an executable? So I can create a script to
> print the content of those multiple files.
> Or maybe there is another way to do this?
> Thank you.

Mantas Mikulėnas

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