/org/freedesktop/network1 is the toplevel object that represents the
networkd daemon as a whole. Interface-specific signals would be sent for
the object paths of the individual interfaces, so you need to either:

a) call *GetLinkByName()* on the toplevel object to find the interface
object, and then subscribe for signals on that;

or b) instead of filtering by path='/xx', filter by *path_namespace='/xx' *so
that it will also match child objects.

On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 10:30 AM ashok athukuri <athukurias...@gmail.com>

> Hello All,
> I'm trying to use DBUS signal "PropertiesChanged" of
> org.freedesktop.network1 /org/freedesktop/network1 *to detect network
> interface is up or down OR the speed of the interface is changed.*
> Is it possible? using a subscription to "PropertiesChanged" signal via the
> below interface or PATH ?
> If yes, how to test those, Currently I don't see any anything on my
> dbus-monitor.
> Here is how I am testing :
> *# dbus-monitor --system "type='signal',path='/org/freede*
> *sktop/network1'"#ifconfig wlan0 down*
> # busctl introspect org.freedesktop.network1 /org/freedesktop/network1
> NAME                                TYPE      SIGNATURE RESULT/VALUE FLAGS
> org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable interface -         -            -
> .Introspect                         method    -         s            -
> org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer           interface -         -            -
> .GetMachineId                       method    -         s            -
> .Ping                               method    -         -            -
> org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties     interface -         -            -
> .Get                                method    ss        v            -
> .GetAll                             method    s         a{sv}        -
> .Set                                method    ssv       -            -
> .PropertiesChanged                  signal    sa{sv}as  -            -
> org.freedesktop.network1.Manager    interface -         -            -
> .Describe                           method    -         s            -
> .DescribeLink                       method    i         s            -
> .ForceRenewLink                     method    i         -            -
> .GetLinkByIndex                     method    i         so           -
> .GetLinkByName                      method    s         io           -
> .ListLinks                          method    -         a(iso)       -
> .ReconfigureLink                    method    i         -            -
> .Reload                             method    -         -            -
> .RenewLink                          method    i         -            -
> .RevertLinkDNS                      method    i         -            -
> .RevertLinkNTP                      method    i         -            -
> .SetLinkDNS                         method    ia(iay)   -            -
> .SetLinkDNSEx                       method    ia(iayqs) -            -
> .SetLinkDNSOverTLS                  method    is        -            -
> .SetLinkDNSSEC                      method    is        -            -
> .SetLinkDNSSECNegativeTrustAnchors  method    ias       -            -
> .SetLinkDefaultRoute                method    ib        -            -
> .SetLinkDomains                     method    ia(sb)    -            -
> .SetLinkLLMNR                       method    is        -            -
> .SetLinkMulticastDNS                method    is        -            -
> .SetLinkNTP                         method    ias       -            -
> .AddressState                       property  s         "routable"
> emits-change
> .CarrierState                       property  s         "carrier"
>  emits-change
> .IPv4AddressState                   property  s         "routable"
> emits-change
> .IPv6AddressState                   property  s         "routable"
> emits-change
> .NamespaceId                        property  t         4026531840   const
> .OnlineState                        property  s         "partial"
>  emits-change
> .OperationalState                   property  s         "routable"
> emits-change
> root@MK3AC-WS100269:/var/lib/evse/cache#
> Thanks,
> Ashok

Mantas Mikulėnas

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