This was not properly implemented until the current version:

On Sun, May 5, 2024 at 10:15 PM Paul Menzel
<> wrote:
> Dear systemd folks,
> On Ubuntu 22.04 with *systemd-repart* 249.11-0ubuntu3.12, the root
> partition in a qcow2 image, resized with
>      qemu-img resize ubuntu-jammy.qcow2 +100G
> is not grown:
>      $ lsblk
>      sr0     11:0    1  1024M  0 rom
>      vda    254:0    0 101.5G  0 disk
>      |-vda1 254:1    0   512M  0 part
>      |-vda2 254:2    0     1M  0 part
>      `-vda3 254:3    0 989.1M  0 part /
>      $ more /etc/repart.d/*.conf
>      ::::::::::::::
>      /etc/repart.d/00-esp.conf
>      ::::::::::::::
>      [Partition]
>      Type=esp
>      Format=vfat
>      CopyFiles=/boot:/
>      CopyFiles=/efi:/
>      SizeMinBytes=512M
>      SizeMaxBytes=512M
>      ::::::::::::::
>      /etc/repart.d/05-bios.conf
>      ::::::::::::::
>      [Partition]
>      # UUID of the grub BIOS boot partition which grubs needs on GPT to
>      # embed itself into.
>      Type=21686148-6449-6e6f-744e-656564454649
>      SizeMinBytes=1M
>      SizeMaxBytes=1M
>      ::::::::::::::
>      /etc/repart.d/10-root.conf
>      ::::::::::::::
>      [Partition]
>      Type=root
>      Format=ext4
>      CopyFiles=/
>      Minimize=guess
>      $ sudo systemd-repart
>      /etc/repart.d/10-root.conf:5: Unknown key name 'Minimize' in
> section 'Partition', ignoring.
>      TYPE                                 LABEL       UUID
>                    FILE         NODE          SIZE PADDING
>      esp                                  esp
> 8c1fa117-5470-40fb-ae88-706406a7e115 00-esp.conf  /dev/vda1   512.0M      0B
>      21686148-6449-6e6f-744e-656564454649 linux
> 13d7f959-ea58-4560-9a51-956603dccdbd 05-bios.conf /dev/vda2     1.0M      0B
>      root-x86-64                          root-x86-64
> 9e46548d-16e7-4b79-aa05-bf9d8e4bff48 10-root.conf /dev/vda3   989.0M      0B
>                                           Σ = 1.4G  Σ = 0B
> ▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
>       ├─ 10-root.conf
>       ├─ 05-bios.conf
>       └─ 00-esp.conf
>      No changes.
> Reading the manual I’d assume, that type *root* would automatically be
> grown. Before creating an issue, can you see, if something is wrong with
> the configuration files?
> Kind regards,
> Paul

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