
Can anyone explain me what would be the expected behaviour of systemctl
suspend-then-hibernate if I have the following content on

HibernateMode=shutdown platform

Also, I have set /etc/systemd/system.conf.d/overrides.conf with the


Suspend and Hibernation works in my system. Whenever I use systemctl
suspend-then-hibernate the laptop goes into suspend mode. I would expect
the computer to auto hibernate if it stays suspended for more than 1 hour.
However, if I let the computer suspend for more than 1 hour, it stays that
way and only starts the hibernation process when I wake it up, which seems
quite odd to me. It seems that the computer only realizes that the
HibernateDelaySec of 1h has passed only when I wake it up. Shouldn't this
be done automatically while in suspended state?

I appreciate any help you can provide.

I am neither a fan nor not a fan of fuzzy logic. I would say my fan-level
is about 0.63.

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