Who was it who put the "con" in convicts?
The guy got his 15 minutes.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin J. Dixon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Track & Field List"
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 12:17 AM
Subject: t-and-f: Jericho Mile at Athens?

> This had a bit of interest on the T&FN board. Just finished reading an
> article in the July edition of Outside magazine about a 34 year-old
> originally from Michigan named Jon Gill who, I guess, had some talent in
> the day. State champ at something or other and finished not too far
> behind Kennedy in some race. Booze and drugs have landed him in jail and
> he is just finishing up a 70
> month stint. Dick Brown is coaching him. He has aspirations of getting
> to Athens. Quoting from the article which does not appear to be online
> anywhere:
> "In the Olympic trials. Gill predicts that he'll run under 3:35. At the
> Olympics, he'll boldly move to the front, where he couldn't care less
> about the clock. "I'm not running for a time in Athens," says Gill. "I'm
> running to win.""
> It says in the article that one Henry Rono isn't shrugging off his
> chances. The writer likely doesn't know who Rono is and describes him as
> follows and makes no mention of some of his difficulties:
> "...Henry Rono, a 51 year-old Kenyan living in Albuquerque, New Mexico,
> who broke four different world records in 1978, dominating everything
> from the 3000 to the 10000."
> I believe that it said in the article that his pre-incarceration pb in
> the mile was 4:17.
> I guess the story has subsequently been on CBS and ESPN.
> Regards,
> Martin

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