Queue Weldon.

"B. Kunnath" wrote:


  Thats a far cry from your first post where you seemed to suggest that
someone had walked up to you with "proof" that
  he/she knew of certain specific agents giving drugs to certain
specific runners. Now you're into full denial and damage

   If thats all you have to go on , then I suggest to keep it to
yourself and refrain from tainting the good image of the vast
  majority of great African runners. When you can back up your words
with facts, THEN its time for us all to hear the great
  truth. Until then you are doing a disservice to the vast majority of
hardworking atheletes.

   No one, myself included, thinks that every single African is clean,
but for you to suggest that there is a sytematic doping
  program is ludicrous, esp without any kind of reasonable proof.

   And yes Martin, it is very legitimate to ask for "zee proof" if this
kind of tabloid crap of being offered to a  worldwide

   >From: "Weldon Johnson"
  >I didn't say I "knew" anything for sure. I said I had heard some

  >reliable reports that I believe. ....

  >But I don't see why you got so upset about my post. I didn't mention
  >names specifically. Basically all I said is "drugs are in the sport
and yes
  >I think some of the African runners are on them". If you didn't think

  >otherwise I'd say you are pretty naive.

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