Ok, let's see if we can settle this once and for all.  Those not
interested in our little side spat, go ahead and hit delete now.

"I called you out for repeatedly making false and slanderous statements
about me."

Mr. Malley has a very selective memory, apparently.  It was actually he
who first turned things personal (I won't even include the comment he
first made to me a few years back, berating my accomplishments as an
athlete), saying I must've eaten too many of the brownies at the state (or
was it county?) fair.  Not hard to read between those lines.  I responded
with a snide remark at the end of my reply that he could now go back to
his booze.  That's the false and slanderous statement referred to above. 
Is it any more false or slanderous than what he directed at me?  Not that
I can see.  At least what I said has some basis in reality, being that it
is his reputation down in Eugene...  Malmo's response?  Demanding that I
name the person who told it to me.  That's just silly.  I know I don't
drink or do drugs, and anyone who knows me will tell you the same. 
Hurling such insults at me wouldn't phase me, because I know it's not
true.  In my experience, anyone who gets as defensive as Malmo did to my
retort has something to hide, not that I can see any sense in someone who
won't answer to their real name being worried about their reputation.  If
it weren't true, he'd have no reason to care.

His calling me out consisted of repeated insults while I stated I had no
intention of participating in the debate further.  And he's telling *me*
to grow up!

So, Malmo chose to attack me on the basis of lack of ethics (just as he
did Richard) and lack of ability as an athlete.  Heck, I'm the first to
admit I did nothing special on the track.  Does that make me any less
qualified to participate in the sport?  Malmo quite clearly thinks so, but
again, I honestly don't give a rip what he thinks.  You have to give
respect to get respect.  I'm confident in my reputation with anyone who's
worked with me, thank you very much, Malmo.  There are a handful of area
coaches on this list that can, if so inclined, speak to my reputation in
the area of meet management, timing, and results.  Walt Murphy has been
the recipient of timely big meet results I've sent him for his weekly
newsletter.  Amby Burfoot has requested to meet with me in person. 
Coaches I've worked with think highly of me, and athletes I coached
temporarily decided to quit the team when I quit coaching.  I've got an
Excellence in Student Leadership award to show for my work with the OSU
XC/Track team and a published article on the history of the program.  I
put together and maintained a team website which is widely considered
around the country as one of the best XC/Track sites for any level of
college.  I'm sure I'm missing a few things, but the point is, anyone
who's opinion I value has a very different view of me than does Malmo. 
So, I ask the esteemed Mr. Malley, what have you given back to the sport
other than having run fast 20 years ago?  The ball's in your court, punk.


--- malmo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The truth be told Dan Kaplan, I called you out for repeatedly making
> false and slanderous statements about me. The profanity was not as much
> as you really deserve. When I meet you in person it will be clear to you
> what is unaccepatable. 
> Grow up, punk.
> malmo

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