Regarding the plasicine discussion.

* No one is sure of the distance of Lewis' jump, because it wasn't properly

* It's certainly possible to have a toe over the plasicine and not leave a

* Any set of rules is imperfect.  If we always followed them to the letter,
we could have computers do all our officiating.  Exceptional circumstances
will always occur.  There's a reason that some human discretion is present.
Would we be happy if an obvious foul was ruled fair, just because for
whatever unlikely reason a mark wasn't left?

I wasn't in Seville, and I haven't even seen a film of the women's LJ, so
I'm not going to pass judgement on either the officials or Fiona May.

At the risk of opening up Pandora's box, what's the latest view of everyone
on the reaction time rule for false starts in the sprints?  I remember a
lively discussion on this topic back in '96.  :-)

Shawn Sorenson
Kangaroo's TJ Online

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