In a message dated 8/20/00 12:09:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
<<  From long experience in many sports, it has been my observaton that when 
money enters the poicture, rules go out the window (or are conveniently 

        At Monaco Friday night, an obvious foul was not called in th women's 
5K. The winner came off the turn in the first lane and ended up in the third 
lane, pushing the 2nd runner out almost to lane 4.  The rules clearly state 
that a runner must remain in the lane chosen coming off thew turn unless the 
margin of victory is such that no impeding takes place---not the case here.

        The TV commentators noted the fact but made no statement about the 
rule violation. Of course, it is not their job to call fouls. But what about 
those whose task it is to do so?>>

Money has nothing to do with it. The European version of running has long 
been far more rough and tumble than what we accept here. I remember 30 years 
ago when an American distance runner going to Europe for the first time asked 
an old hand if he had any advice. The response was, "Get your elbows 


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