On  Sunday, August 27, 2000 12:23 AM Malmo said:

> Enough of it already. Imagine if during the course of your work, you had a
> bunch of trolls hanging around writing down everything that you've ever
> said. Then afterwards, spent the next week under the bridge parsing,
> analyzing, then re-analyzing it all.
Not sure about trolls, but I think decent individuals tend to take offence
to Star athletes making inane statements like that ... And as far as
statements being analyzed that sort of comes with the territory when you are
famous and in the spotlight .. I think when you make millions of dollars for
running 100 meters down a track very fast people tend to expect you to do it
as well as you can each time out .. Kinda what you are paid to do .. And I
believe the rest of us trolls out here have all come under criticism at one
time or other in our paid endeavors (and some not paid) when people have
thought we were not giving it our best ...

Conway Hill

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