Pascal ain't going to Blaise to a medal so ...  yank 'im, spank 'im and 
send 'im to his room without any dinner.
BTW, Blaise Pascal was the father of probability.

Yikes - I must be admitting that I don't have a life if I am still voting!

Got to go with Goucher.  To Gong the Goner when getting to gorging is
How's that for creative use of the letter 'G'.  I should have been hired
by Seasame Street.

A lot of this list seem to be in the "Go Goucher" camp.  That's short for
goodbye Goucher, right?

Lance Deal. As futile as it may be, I'm going to keep trying to get rid of 
guy. I am getting suspicious that there will be a coordinated effort to
undermine the distance runners. We all know that Goucher should win because he
is the baddest dude in the West, but I'm thinking that all the bitter field
event guys, walkers, sprinters, etc. will band together and start an uprising.
Like the freaking Zapatistas.

What is a "Pascal," anyway?

Can I replace him with Anna K since she lost in NY?

New choice . . . JOHNSON.
Started (?) the sunglasses craze . . . a ridiculous trend that has 'athletes' 
over the world parading around $200 eyewear indoors, posing for camera ops a 
Jim McMahon, and trickling down to the point where youth USATF kids don't want
shoes . . .they want shades!  Where have all the steely-eyed stares gone?  Are
competition and intimidation dead?  I don't want to see polycarbonate . . .I 
to see an icy foreboding of doom!!!!!

Here's the dirt on Goucher: After he won Nationals in HS, we has walking 
around school like he was King Sh*t and the funny thing is that in high 
school most poeple don't care about x-c. Half the people in Colorado Springs 
probably thought he was a great skier...
He must not be at that dinner table!

Goucher Goucher Goucher
Can I get him out via the Cheshire Cat technique?

Adam wife would REALLY be pissed with 
him spreading that chalk / resin / whatever it is / dust all over the house

Get rid of Goucher. If the distance guys on this list are representative of 
distance population as a whole, I can't imagine spending an entire dinner with
one of them and not stabbing him to death with a butter knife before the first
course hits the table.

Adam Goucher - OUT, OUT Damn Spot

Adam Nelson, in the off chance he's related to Ozzie and Harriet.

Adam goucher. I figure there's enough people that dislike Dobert, so I'll 
focus my attention here. Long live the anti-distance campaign!!!

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