Garry's point below makes sense so I took a little time to check out the
local newspaper archives before replying.  I can't answer his question about
the number of sub 44s run in under 70F/21C but I can comment on WR 400s in
similar conditions.

Probably the only international comp that can compare to the dates and
conditions for Sydney 2000 is the IAAF World Cup in Canberra in October
1995.  Luckily at this comp Marita Koch ran a WR for 400m and just missed
the 200m WR by 0.2.

When Marita Koch ran her 47.60 on 6 October 1985 and took nearly half a
second off the old world mark, the temperature in Canberra was around 22
degrees (71F)with a 15km/hour wind prevailing.  The forecast had been for a
maximum temperature of 18 degrees (64F).  The DDR women also set a 4x100m WR
on this 71F day.

This is not so different from likely conditions in Sydney - so I'd still
like to think a 400m WR for MJ is not impossible. (Marita's WC 200m was run
in temperatures of about 24 degrees (75F) with 13km/hr winds prevailing).  I
guess only Mother Nature knows what we can expect during the Games.

Topically, a satirical Australian TV show - "The Games" - about the supposed
goings on in the Sydney organising committee, had the following scene in
last night's episode (forgive my paraphrasing):

 Gina (typing on her keyboard): "I'm just checking out the contingencies, in
case we lose a day of the programme."

 Chief (unconcerned): "Lose a day of the programme?  We won't lose a day.
What are you on about?"

 Gina: "I don't know if a Minister for the Weather ever visits your office
but last year, on what would have been the opening day of Track & Field, it
hailed." (Chief starts to look interested)

 Gina: "And in 1998, on what would have been marathon day, it was 38 degrees
(100 farenheit).  Do you know how much weight you lose running a marathon in
those conditions?  Twenty stone." (Chief starts to look very concerned)

Regards - GT -

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, 1 September 2000 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: RE: t-and-f: Austrailian continental marks

In a message dated 8/31/00 2:25:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< For what it's worth, I think there are world records which could fall in
Sydney.  Women's hammer and javelin come to mind - and three out of four
relay events.  Then there's Michael Johnson. >>

MJ is a god, but taking a (very) quick peek at the 400's all-time list i
this question: has anyone ever broken 44  at a temperature of less than 80 
degrees? Given that Sydney is likely to be sub-70, that's a very real 

(women's HT and JT aren't "real" WRs simply because of the relative newness)

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