Perhaps the idiocy lies in the inability to understand the comparison ..
While Powell continued to be great he was NOT able to approach his WR ..
Neither was Beamon or Young .. And it will be years and years before anyone
is able to approach Johnson's record .. It is THAT good .. So good in fact
that as yet Michael cannot compete with HIMSELF .. As so many would like for
him to be able to .. Please do not be dumb enough to come away from my
statement with anything more than that .. Michael's place in history is
secure .. And as I said in a different post he is the greatest ever at
200/400 ... But as the sun rises so shall it set .. Everyone has their
Zenith .. And I believe in the 200 Michael has had his .. I have not tried
to take anything away from his history or his accomplishments .. But in the
200, he is a brilliant sun that is "beginning" to set .. And please do not
insult me with terms like dumb, or ignorant .. AS my posts has given no
indication of either .. Simply because we have a difference of opinion does
not make either of us less intelligent

Conway Hill
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 5:32 PM
Subject: Ignorant comparison

> Walt,
>  Would you post this to Tand F list for me.  I'm haveing trouble getting
> in there.  great reponse to this nonsense by the way.
> Thanks,
> Randy Huntington
> Conway wrote,
> >And his results have shown that he has not been able to approach his WR
> >more than Beamon, or Powell, or Kevin Young could approach theirs .. Is
> the >term Beamonesque is so often used in conjunction with that race ..
> Conway,
> Are you a complete idiot or just dumb enough to talk without thinking
> I rarely get fired up about anything, but the above statement is just
> ignorant.
> This level of ignorance is quite unacceptable.  To throw Johnson and
> in with Beamon is truly one of the most ignorant statements I have yet
> here.  Beamon couldn't reproduce what he was doing because he didn't know
> he got there in the first place. He was a tremendous talent that hit
> everything right on that day.  Nothing came by design.  Johnson has been
> of the best in the world in both the 200 and 400 for a very long time and
> a great coach in Clyde Hart.Believe me his sucess has been designed.  And
> for Powell.
> 91 -WR
> 92 - Modesto over 8.80 twice -Setrierre/8.99 - Oly trials winner/2nd in
> games
> 93 - Sestrierre again 8.99 with a number of jumps in the 8.40+ range in
> there/ 1st at World Champs
> 94 - Lost once that seaason (to Kareem St Thompson)
> 95 - fell apart
> 96- Came back to be coached by me after leaving in the fall of 93.  1st at
> trials/injured during competition at Games
> That hardly is not reaching same level of ability after he broke the
> Give me a damn break here.  I am very tired of reading listings from
> that haven't a clue about training an elite athlete to the levels we take
> people and for that matter maintaining that kind of performance level for
> number of years. So many variables have to be just right for a World
> to occur and it is quite difficult to reproduce those varibles at will.
> If you want to learn ask some questions instead of making statements like
> one above and publicly displaying your ignorance of elite athlete
> Randy Huntington

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