The West Coast Conference championship is held every year at crystal
springs. It is a tuff course because it's dusty and very hilly. My first
year the course killed me. I had never run on a course with so many tuff
hills. (Untill we went to Lawrence, Kansas for NCAA's) This past year I
trained for that course in mind and did well. It can rock the world of the
most seasoned of cross county runners. Later, ROLIN   GO PILOTS

Will a NCAA's cross country meet ever be held on the west coast. Stanford
and many other areas would be a great venue for the meet. Why does the
meet always seem to be run in Middle America on a farm? 

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am a little biased but for my money the best XC course I know is Crystal Springs 
>Cross Country                        Course which is located in Belmont, California   
>                       on Hallmark Drive. It hosts over 20                            
>     meets a year. From high school duel                                  meets to 
>college championships. The                                course has remained 
>unchanged for over                             20 years, allowing it's records to be 
>valid                           to date.  The course is maintained by long time 
> College of San Mateo Coach Bob Rush.  Matt Giusto
> holds one of the fastest times on the high school 
> course.  I am sure many a runner can recall a 
> doozy of story regarding the course.  
> If anybody has run on this course, you might want
> to chime in on what you remember most about Crystal
> Springs.
> A.C.

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