At 11:34 AM 10/4/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>October 4, 2000
>Media Groups Remain Unhappy
>With Olympic Internet Blackout
>Associated Press
>NEW YORK -- Unhappy with a blanket Internet ban that took place during the 
>Sydney Games, many of the world's leading media organizations are demanding 
>greater freedom in 2002 to broadcast via the Web.

Take note for those that do not know is that the 2000 Paralympic Games will
be broadcast live on the web at

Wemedia set up the web cast first then went to land some U.S. TV packages
through Pax and Fox Sports.  In many other nations the TV deals were already
in place.

If your interested in watching log on to beginning with the
October 18 Opening Ceremonies and going through October 29 with the Closing

Sydney is Here,

Tim Willis

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