Lynn Nelson, 1988 Olympic Trials 10,00 meter champ (and Seoul Olympic
finalist), an Oregon (via MN, AZ and CA) resident debuted at the 50
kilometer ultramarathon distance recently. The race director referred to her
performance as "Trasonesque" (referring to Ann, the Bob Beamon of ultras??).

Enjoy the attached story and results.

-Mike Fanelli

 Subject: McKenzie River  -  Results
> We had a glorious day on the river, after a hard rain on Friday
> dampened the trail and riled up the yellow jackets.  Craig Thornley
> battled fellow Eugenean Kevin Myers all morning, coming back from
> a two minute deficit halfway through to prevail by 5 minutes.
> Lynn Nelson, also of Eugene, put forth what I must call a 'Trasonesque'
> effort
> as she took 45 minutes off the women's course record!  She blew by
> some pretty classy ultrarunners in John Robinson and Steve
> Smucker, leaving them to wonder how they got beat by a woman
> "in Oregon!"  This lady is for real.  If she can stay healthy, there
> is no limit to where her national class track speed could take
> her in the ultra world.
> This event concluded the state's first ultra trail series, and
> interest in trail racing has never been higher in Oregon.  The
> popularity of the 50K distance has brought out a lot of new
> faces, and with all the young people flocking to these events,
> the health of the sport here is at an all time high.
>                         Phil Vaughn  (RD)
> 01      Craig   Thornley 36      3:54:40
> 02      Kevin   Myers    40    3:59:34
> 03      Lynn    Nelson   38    4:01:14
> 04      John    Robinson     34   4:02:47
> 05      Steve   Smucker  46     4:02:53
> 06      John    Pearch   27     4:06:43
> 07      Justin  Soares   21     4:08:53
> 08      Dave    McJunkin    55    4:12:27
> 09     Andy    Dale      31   4:12:41
> 10      Scott   Diamond  39     4:16:14
> 11      Curt    Ringstad   48     4:32:19
> 12      Dante   Biancucci   29   4:35:50
> 13      Jeff    Phillips   28   4:37:55
> 14      Susan   Fox  32         4:38:52
> 15    Clem LaCava   51        4:38:58
> 16      Steve   Petersen 46      4:41:48
> 17      Carmen  Ripley   30   4:44:32
> 18      Mike    Hendrickson 37  4:46:20
> 19      Sylvia  Dion    28      4:49:14
> 20      Gene    Skinner 44      4:49:30
> 21      Marc    Adams   32      4:49:30
> 22      Rod     Beckner 35      4:50:53
> 23      Mark    Warner  41      4:51:35
> 24      Greg    Wheeler   54    4:52:03
> 25      Michael Christiansen 35 4:53:40
> 26      Linda   Samet   34      4:54:11
> 27      Lisa    Husaby  37      4:58:48
> 28      Marcus  Mayfield 44     5:01:39
> 29      Kelly   Woodke  33      5:02:01
> 30      Laurie  Cullen  36      5:02:39
> 31      Jodi    Kartes  30      5:03:48
> 32      Steve   Loitz   44      5:07:44
> 33      Scott   Martin  28      5:08:54
> 34      David   Lygre   58      5:08;54
> 35      Kelly   Strome  36      5:10:14
> 36      Stephan Willow  32      5:11:13
> 37      Clayton Gillette  44    5:11:37
> 38      Dave    Chase   52      5:15:00
> 39      Mark    Kalen   36      5:15:45
> 40      Ken     Ward    43      5:16:33
> 41      Colin   Loader  37      5:18:07
> 42      Jan     Liebeskind 39    5:18:33
> 43      David   Brewer  48      5:19:02
> 44      Ted     Heid    56      5:25:19
> 45      Kirk    Hendrickson 46   5:26:28
> 46      Mark    Schofer 40      5:26:51
> 47      Steve   Varga   47      5:28:57
> 48      Bob     Lynes   62      5:30:48
> 49      David   Bateham 40      5:32:29
> 50      James   Ridlington 55   5:33:46
> 51      Jon     Gnass   45      5:38:37
> 52      Melissa Berman  47      5:38:40
> 53      Rebecca Wallick 42      5:38:40
> 54      Jody    Scheffelmaier 52 5:40:04
> 55      Aubrey  Robbins 22      5:42:03
> 56      Bill    Robbins 64      5:42:22
> 57      Jeff    Mikesell  39    5:44:22
> 58      Ben     Benjamin  53    5:45:01
> 59      Diane   Jones   41      5:45:43
> 60      Laura   Cesar   23      5:48:17
> 61      Jeral   Godfrey 57      5:55:33
> 62      Sean    Harrasser 33      5:58:05
> 63      Barbara Ringstad  44      6:00:18
> 64      Ronda   Sundermeier 32    6:03:23
> 65      Karen   Gnass   38      6:04:16
> 66      Stacey  Bunton  36      6:05:29
> 67      Marlis  DeJongh 48      6:08:12
> 68      Jenny   Cruickshank 30  6:13:20
> 69      Joanne  Bernt   45      6:16:16
> 70      Joanne  Richter 46      6:16:16
> 71      Melanie Johnson 45      6:20:33
> 72      Kathy   Cafazzo 47      6:35:07
> 73      Jon     Tressler 53      6:36:16
> 74      Thomas  Alexander 61      6:41:18
> 75      Corriedawn Greiling 31   6:59:58
> 76      David   Elsbernd  46     6:59:58
> 77      Bob     Ross    57      7:08:02
> 78      Dana    Price   34      7:09:41
> 79      Joanne  Ross    60      7:58:04

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