As a Kenyan I can confirm that most people in Kenya would not recognize
Tergat but you would be suprised how many people would notice Patrick
Njiru( A local safari rally driver)

Eric kamau
Go cougs

On Thu, 5 Oct 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 10/5/00 2:40:17 PM Central Daylight Time, 
>  I'm not too knowledgeable about Ethiopia, but nothing could be further from
>  the truth about Kenya. Running/X-C/Track and Field is at best the fouth or
>  fifth most popular sport in Kenya, trailing soccer, boxing, cricket and even
>  horse racing. MOST people on the street would not recognize Paul Tergat if
>  he were standing next to them, and they most likely would not have heard of
>  someone of the stature of , say, Tom Nyariki. /Drew
>   >>
> Drew is absolutely right.  Football (soccer) is number one in Kenya.  Give a 
> Kenyan runner some free time and a soccer ball and you've got yourself a 
> happy guy.  The other sports mentioned are also up there.  In fact, pick up a 
> copy of the Standard or a similar publication and you're as likely to find a 
> golf story headlining the sports section as you are to finding an athletics 
> story.
> Bruce Meyer
> KUKIMBIA        
>              Chicago

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