At 05:22 PM 10/7/00 EDT, you wrote:
>Since you want to post private mail I will adress yours in public as well.

not a problem :)

><<how so...please explain DB's shaky history. The only
>true problem with Donovan was that he won the , possibly, highest provile
>track event in 1996. A non-Americian winning Americia's event in America.
>The 'fastest man in the World' is the 100 meter's Olympic champion and he
>isn't from the US. Then.....ah...he must be dirty.  The problem with that
>theory is that one of the most tested athletes in the world has always
>tested clean. Then...ah... the 200 meter's champ must be the fastest. Stats
>can prove anything. He would blow that Canuck away over..ah..say..150
>meters. Opps that didn't work either.  >>  
>You say that one of the most tested athletes in the world has always tested 
>clean? then you come right back and bring up flo-jo as being suspect? C'mon 
>and make up your mind! She passed just as many( if not more) drug tests as DB 
>did so what does that say about your theory?

According to Ed Koch, posted earlier this week on this list " USATF (then
TAC/USA) enacted out-of competition drug tests in 1989 following the Ben
Johnson scandal."  If this is the case the only tests that Flo-Jo pasted
were in competition tests. It would be almost impossible for her to be
tested as often as any of todays athletes.  With the proper timing athletes
can always test negative. If this is true that would have been the year that
she retired. Another coincidence. The timing is why I mentioned her. 

No need to get into what could 
>be percieved as a shaky history of DB...I've heard all of the reasons why 
>people would think he is dirty just as I am sure you have

only the facts...never has been any on him...go ahead name

 so there is no need 
>to talk about it because like I said to you earlier..I NEVER said I thought 
>he was dirty. Then you talk about DB winning the high profile 100...well I 
>don't remember a lot bad talk about Linford when he walked away with the 
>title in 92.
It wasn't in front of the home crowd.

 Why would you be upset about the WFM debate with MJ? The people 
>in Canada were still claiming Bailey to be the WFM despite the fact he was 
>beaten by MG in the the next WC and Goodwill Games and just about everywhere 
>else in between. Meanwhile Bailey hadn't even come close to 9.84 again..but 
>as you said oops that didn't work either.
Donovan was the world's fastest man until MG beat his world record. MG also
backed that up with a solid gold in Sydney. He is currently the fastest man
and will be until the world record is broken or someone else wins the
Olympic gold. At no time did I say that DB was still the fastest. But he was
in 96 and should have been regarded as such. It should not have taken the
odd 150 meter duel race to settle it. But that race did give our sport some
coverage between Olympics.

>..and, since YOU brought up ancient history, FLO-JO was a natural 10.49 girl
>that was so far ahead of her time that even a great athlete like Marion
>Jones, with 12 years worth of better training techniques and tracks that are
>so much harder and faster is still 0.20 behind. Then at the peak of her
>earning potential, as a gold medal winning Olympic star, retires. Everything
>looks up front to me. It was just that Canadian guy that was dirty. Nobody
>else was 'juiced to the max! 
> thats funny.>>
>is that your best argument? You assume ( and I know you been told what 
>happens when you ASSume something) FGJ was dirty when we KNOW Ben was. 
> thats funny

...since it isn't a good argument, taking into account when the US started
out-of-competition testing, feel free to torch it. Explain to me the gaps in
logic. As dirty as Ben was everything has improved so much that a clean MG
has posted a similar time and has the ability to improve on it. But the
ladies are still years behind the clean Flo-Jo. Please explain.

>Integrity is the cornerstone of trust

Peter Stuart
Head Coach South-East Athletics
Head Coach NB Canada Games
NB Coaching Chair
Master Course Conductor

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