The debate here seems to be floundering on the identity of challengers to
our Polish Pedestrian.  Here's my top 10 =-11

1. Korzenioswki - only doubler at Olympic has to count
2. Alekna - no.2 performance all time and victory in best quality
championship DT comp in many a year, 8 of top 10 throws for year (not
including whole lot of ancillaries)
3. Greene -  not as impressive as recent years, but still managed 5 fastest
times and 6 sub-10
4. Zelezný - wasn't neccessarily favourite going into Olympics, but pulled
out a beauty... does managing to 3-peat make up for a couple of defeats on
the circuit and big throws by competitors? 
5. Michael Johnson - someone so dominant needs to be at least this high -
umming and ahhing about whether he should be above Zelezný
6. Jonathon Edwards - pretty dominant all year
7. Gebrselassie - probably should be higher but underraced... 10k final was
THE race of the year
8 Ngeny - same as Geb, under-raced -  feels strange to leave El-G out as he
was cruising for a spot until Sydney 
9. Pedroso, still best in his event and produced big clutch jump in Sydney
10. Garcia maybe, El-G maybe or Taylor

Are there similar debates on women's side? contenders? jones, szabo,
dragila, hattestad, freeman, devers (?), privalova?

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