Kournikova has not done very well in any of the four
major tournaments, nor has she in any of the
minor ones either.....

Bruce Goodchild

><Internationally, she has done less than Joetta Clark, Jearl Clark, and far
less than Henry Marsh, but she is the one tauted at nationals, and profiled
at the Games.  A very disturbing pattern in the lore of Nike and track.>
>Disturbing. I don't know about that. Nike's apparently pretty smart. She
appeals to the most people - look at this list and your complaint. Malmo's
mention of Kournikova is apropos in this case.
>Agreed that talent and performance wise internationally she's fairly run of
the mill and the 2nd best American over 1500.
>Steve S. - equally a fan of Regina and Suzy

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