It is most likely impossible to predict the benefits because many are
training aid benfits eg quicker recovery so an athlete can train harder.
Apparently Growth Hormone is brillinat for this. Werner Reiterer in
"positive" states that he felt younger , recovered better , old injuries to
knees felt like they had vanished , less likely to get sick etc.

This is also the reason why any athlete found guilty should be allowed back
in the sport EVER. The benefits may last for many years and be re-adaptable
without drugs.

A good trick would be to "retire" or "get injured" miss a few years and just
train. Do every drug under the sun and then come back clean and thrash
everyone until the effects fade. You could still "hate drugs" ie. hate what
you have had to do to keep up. Anyone could do this at the moment and could
arrnage it by going to many local Gyms aroud the World to arrange supply.

If you could give a legal drug to athletes that would help them recover
quicker so they could train harder and stay fresh you would be a very
popular person. Simply growing more muscle would not be as good.

Steve Bennett

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jay Ulfelder
Sent: Wednesday, 18 October 2000 8:09 PM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: Drugs and the sprints

A quick comment on this interesting conversation that, I hope, supports what
Conway's arguing/asking: One can't simply compare Ben Johnson's pre-bust and
post-bust times and chalk up the entire difference to drugs. The guy was
away from competition for some time, and I would think his mental game (so
important for the 100m) was pretty much crushed by the experience of the
intervening years.

In other words, there are a lot of other reasons we would expect his
post-bust times to be slower. So, once again, we really don't know how much,
if at all, the drugs improved his times.

And a side note on a distantly related subject--namely, Mo on Millionaire:
Why is everyone assuming Mo Greene is such an idiot?

- Jay Ulfelder

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