OF COURSE!!! Kenny Moore!! Man, he wrote some GREAT stuff...I'll always remember his piece in SI about the stage race around Hawaii and the one he did on Mamo Wolde where he went and visited him in prison...whoa, heavy stuff.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 1:23 PM

Kenny Moore wrote an article for Sports Illustrated back in the 70's that still haunts me with its beauty. Sorry, but my failing memory can't recall the date. It was sometime after the Munich Olympics, and likely before Montreal. The title was "An Enigma Wrapped In Glory", the author, Kenny Moore. The subject was Lasse Viren, and it painted a flawless portrait of a shy man's quiet life in Finland, and his ensuing triumphs in track and field.  


Moore is a fine wordsmith, great storyteller, and most certainly knows his subject matter. I assume there's Irish blood running in his veins. And like the endless list of great Irish writers both past and present, he has that special gift of giving life to words on paper.


I wish he'd write a running novel. There's little doubt in my mind that he'd shame the rest of us who have attempted the same.



Bruce Glikin/author/'Slinger Sanchez Running Gun'






At 10:09 PM 10/19/00 -0700, mike fanelli wrote:

Having just finished re-reading the NY Times article by Mike Wise (9/17/00)
which I had submitted to the Track and Field Writer's of America (TAFWA)
newsletter, I realize that it is most certainly amongst my all time
favorites. It is entitled "The Third man in Mexico City" and is about Peter
Norman...the Australian 200 meter silver medalist...right up there on the
medal podium with Tommie Smith and John Carlos in '68.

Others on that list include Ken Kesey's coverage (Running Magazine) of the
1980 Olympic Track and Field Trials as well as Hunter S. Thompson's version
of the Honolulu Marathon...you know, the one where he continually refers to
eventual winner, Duncan MacDonald, as "Drunken McDeviate"

On the more serious side, an article from 8?/85 Runner's World on optimal
training paces passes as my single favorite, most right-on, comprehensive
long distance training overview...along with just about anything that Pete
Pfitzinger writes in Running Times these days.

What are your favorite articles...and why??

-Mike Fanelli

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