Boston Mayor's Cup Cross Country 
October 22, 2000
Franklin Park Boston MA
50 degrees, sunny, breezy 
Presented by the Boston Athletic Association and adidas America,
Supported by the Boston Parks & Recreation Dept and USATF New England

A strong regional field took to the starting line for the eleventh annual Boston 
Mayor's Cup 
races. Heavy rains earlier in the week had left some soggy spots on the course, which 
was slow 
under foot in a number of places; course records of 22:53 and 16:22 were not 

Five women reached the first mile in 5:11 with no clear favorites, but after another 
loop, it 
was down to Sarah Dupre, Kristen Beaney, and Diana Bowser.  The final circuit and the 
found the same trip, each separated by several strides.  Dupre was able to stretch it 
out a bit 
and earned a 5 second victory over Beaney, who will be representing the US in the 
World 1/2 
Marathon championships in two weeks.  With Dupre and two others in the top 5, the BAA 
won the 
team trophy.

The men's race was over 250 strong as the horn sounded, and 1998 champion Francis 
Kirwa wasted 
no time in getting to the front before the field left the opening field run. Paul 
Mwangi and 
Alexis Sharangabo joined him by the mile mark, but Kirwa opened a six second gap 
(9:15) which he 
held through 5K.  Mwangi caught up at that point, and put 19 seconds on Brevard's 
Sharangabo by 
the 4 mile split (19:05).  Kirwa put in a quick burst over Bear Cage Hill that gave 
him two 
seconds coming back to the flat and which he was able to hold over the final 300 
Reebok Boston won the team title over the BAA.  Life, which has now produced five 
individual race winners, did not score a team, as a DNF due to injury leaving them 
with only 4 

In two weeks (November 12), the USATF-NE championships will run at Franklin Park, the 
tune-up before the USA Fall Nationals on November 25.

The race can be seen at
Results to be posted at,

1, Sarah Dupre ($300), BAA/CAN, 16:55 
2, Kristen Beaney ($200), Reebok Boston, 17:00
3, Diana Bowser ($150), BAA, 17:05
4, Sarah Hann ($100), Gr.Lowell RR, 17:11 
5, Amy Lyman ($50), BAA, 17:23
6, Jen Toomey, Reebok Boston, 17:48
7, Meghan Moriarty, Reebok Boston, 17:50
8, Michelle Sarney, BAA, 17:53
9, Heather Swarts, Syracuse Chargers, 17:58
10, Yolanda Flamino, Gr.Lowell RR, 18:02
1, Barbara Gubbins, 40, NY, 18:46
1, Boston Athletic Association ($300), 30
2, Greater Lowell Roadrunners ($200), 86
3, Syracuse Chargers ($100), 100
4, Boston Running Club, 158
5, Greater Boston TC, 204

1, Francis Kirwa, Life University,, 23:26 (collegian - no $)
2, Paul Mwangi ($300) Westchester TC/Ken, 23:28
3, Alexis Sharangabo, Brevard College, 23:54 (collegian - no $)
4, Ricardo Santos ($200), NYAC, 24:09
5, Erik Nedeau ($150), New Balance, 24:11
6, Kristian Agnew ($100), adidas, 24:15
7, Artie Gilkes ($50), Reebok Boston, 24:18
8, Peter Hammer, Boston RC,  24:21
9, Eric Morse, Central MA Striders, 24:22
10, Justin Niedzialek, BAA, 24:22 
1, Tom Dalton, 42, NY, 24:53
1, Reebok Boston ($300), 97 
2, Boston Athletic Association ($200), 106 
3, Brevard College, 118
4, Greater Boston TC, 186
5, Surekill RC (PA), 186

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