"Is the McLaren any relation to Grant?

Steve S.

<1 31:50.0  3:11  141 BENDO, STEVE               GUELPH
      2 31:54.6  3:12  140 COOLSAET, REID             GUELPH
      3 31:57.0  3:12  142 MURPHY, TAYLOR             GUELPH
      4 32:01.8  3:13  149 SAIDLA, KARL               LAKEHEAD
      5 32:07.1  3:13  215 DREW, STEPHEN              WATERLOO
      6 32:11.3  3:14  139 GRAHAM, DREW               GUELPH"

Info about McLaren's daughter from our local paper.


Millard, Rouse & Rosebrugh                    Martin J. Dixon, B. Math.
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Chartered Accountants                            Direct Dial: (519) 759-3708
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Judd, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Martin J. Dixon'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 8:31 AM
Subject: cross-country

 By Brian SmileyExpositor Staff
 BrantfordWhile Brantford high schools postponed its games Thursday night
due to heavy
 fog and the cancellation of buses, it didn't stop runners from the schools
 travelling to the Central Western Ontario Secondary Schools Association
 championships in Guelph.It's a good thing they made it to Centennial Park
because several area
 runners - and Paris District High School in particular - performed
 well."It was an outstanding day," Paris coach Ross Enslev said when he got
 into town. "There was an amazing amount of participation."Enslev had a lot
to smile about when the races were over as several local
 runners qualified for the Ontario Federation of Schools Athletic
 championships to be held in Brampton on Nov. 3 and 4.Qualifying for the
provincial meet were North Park Collegiate's Kim
 Beardwood, Ashley MacDonald and Colin Sullivan as well as Paris' Laura
 MacCallum, Tabitha Copping, Michelle MacKay, Erin Taylor, Kendra Bethune
 Heather McLaren.Enslev made special note of one of his competitors."It's
fantastic to see Heather McLaren go to OFSSA in her OAC year," Enslev
 said of the basketball and running star. McLaren was sixth in the senior
 girls division to qualify for the Ontario championships.On her own behalf,
McLaren said her goals weren't too high."I was hoping to come in top-ten,"
the 18-year-old OAC student said, "but
 that was just a hope."I did not expect at all to make it to OFSSA this year
just because I wasn't
 training as hard as I wanted to."McLaren, who is a member of the Woodstock
Legion Track club, said before the
 race she noticed several girls from other track clubs but during the race
 she didn't pay any attention to anything but running."During the race I
didn't even know how far up I was," McLaren, last year's
 Brant County champion in the senior girls 1,500 and 3,000 metres, said.
With only a 150 metres to go, her dad Grant - who along with wife Janet and
 son Chris attended the meet - let her know what she needed to do to qualify
 for OFSSA."My dad was there and he was along the sidelines and he said 'You
got to go,
 you got to go,'" said McLaren, who passed four girls in that stretch to
 the final qualifying spot.McLaren said her dad - an Olympian in the 5,000
metres in both 1972 and 1976
 - has always been there for her."He was always my inspiration," she said.
"He never really pushed me to run,
 I just wanted to."McLaren doesn't know how she'll do at OFSSA but she has
high hopes for the
 midget girls team, which placed an impressive second in the team portion of
 the event."The midget girls blew me out of the water when they came back
and told me
 they finished second," she said. "I'm really impressed with them."Enslev
was also ecstatic about the results of that particular team."I believe
that's the first (cross-country) team we've ever sent to OFSSA,"
 he said.The Paris coach hopes the results of this year's participants
carries over
 into the future as he tries to build the program up."We're hoping to start
a tradition with our midgets," Enslev said. "We've
 always had good quality but now I'm going to try to get quality and
 quantity."The following are the individual results from the meet.MIDGET
GIRLSKim Beardwood, NPC, second; Laura MacCallum, PDHS, 10th; Tabitha
PDHS, 12th; Erin Taylor, PDHS, 18; Michelle MacKay, PDHS, 20th; and Kendra
 Bethune, PDHS, 62nd. Paris finished second overall in the team
standings.MIDGET BOYSCam Stone, PDHS, 12th; Ben Osborne, PDHS, 24th; Craig
Sowden, PDHS, 30th;
 and Marc Gervais, PDHS, 32. Paris finished fourth overall in the team
 standings.JUNIOR GIRLSAshley MacDonald, NPC, second and Brittany Brown,
PDHS, 16th.JUNIOR BOYSJustin Steeds, NPC, fifth; Andrew Moores, PDHS, 20th;
Mark Stewart, 36th,
 PDHS; Warren Gallant, PDHS, 47th; and Dustin Haw, PDHS, 62nd. Paris
 fifth overall in the team standings.SENIOR GIRLSHeather McLaren, PDHS,
sixth.SENIOR BOYSColin Sullivan, NPC, third; Mike Read, PDHS, 14th; Dan
Shewfelt, PDHS, 19th;
 Tom Hammond, PDHS, 23rd; and Farzan Tashvighi, PDHS, 28th. Paris finished
 fourth overall in the team standings.

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