
Wayne writes:

>Of course, some of you still take 1600 m splits.  (1600 doesn't divide >into integer 
>kilometer distances very well either).

Being one of those who uses the 1600 split in training, I will try to
explain the irrational.:)

I came into track just after the transition to the metric system for most
highschools.  To me 4 laps on a track is a mile even if it is only 1600m. 
Why? because the mile is my name for four complete laps those 9m mean about
a 2 seconds to me. A discrepancy I can live with even if it drives
statictians nuts.  It comes down to intuitive familiarity.  I can do 1k
splits and convert to 1600 and back, but a 7:20 1600 means more to me then
a 4:35.  This is hard to explain because it gets into a really intangible
area of comfort.  In a long race on a track it is easier for me to check
splits every 4 laps then every 2 and a half.  It can be hard to try to
remember which side of the track you have to be on to check the split. 
Walkers in general differ then runners in one aspect of there training. 
Most walkers train on small loops, accuartely measured.  The majority of my
training occurs on a 2k out and back - even on my easy days.  This has a
lot to do with the need for more control of surface and terrain.  Walking
doesn't work well where there is poor footing and walking down hills is
pretty painful. But I digress...

In regards to cross country, I have to disagree with Walt about times being
meaningless.  My times in cross country were always important to me and my
coach and our team.  A good experienced coach can "adjust" the times if the
course runs slow or fast, if it is easy or hard.  You can tell whether you
team is improving by comparing to a standard course.  My best road 8k was
27:27 my best x-c was 27:31.  The only time I could really know a
difference was when the course was mismeasured.

As for understanding splits when I am on the track I think of 5ks as 3 1600
splits and a 200 kick and I think of 10k as 6 1600 splits and a 400 kick. 
And I'll bet I am not the on one who thinks that way.  Interestingly though
in 20ks on the road I think in terms of 1k and 2k splits.  Guess it is just
what ever gets you through the race.

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