Perhaps the Jesse Owens Award is not meant to indicate who was the "Woman of the Year" ...
As you say the IAAF, and USOC already proclaim one ... TaFNews proclaims one also (which Marion will likely win also) ...
If all the awards mentioned were intended to go to the single man and woman who were the most outstanding on the season ... then what would be the point of awarding all four of them?  More banquets to attend?
I think you are missing the point of the Owens award.
BTW:  I believe that Dragila broke the vault record five times (in and out) and won an Olympic Gold ... achievements worthy of the award.
The perceived "miscue" is like comparing, say, Brisco-Hooks' achievements in '84 to Benoit's Trials and Games heroics ... they are both amazing and valued differently by different people.  I can't remember who won the award that year, and Marion probably won't remember who won this year's in 2016 ... when she is 41.
Perhaps the powers-that-be thought Jones had won enough things for a twelve month period.  It was probably NOT a matter of them evaluating her feats as somehow just a little "less" than Dragila's.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: Borzov and the Jesse Owens award

And everyone thought the current crop of sprinters started this air of
clowning, and bravado.  It has been, and will be a part of the game.  Borzov
was mild when posted against Carlos, C. Green, etc.
I wonder, was the demise of civilization predicted back then, too?

On another topic, how much credibility does the USATF Jesse Owens award still
have?  IAAF, USOC lists that woman with the 5 Olympic medals as their woman
of the year, but not her federation.  A definite miscue, in my opinion.

The G.O.A.T.

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