I ran with some of these men and trash talking was just a part of the game they all did it...........it was like b'ball on the track and just plain old fun,

Conway wrote:

Darrell wrote:  
 And everyone thought the current crop of sprinters started this air of
clowning, and bravado.  It has been, and will be a part of the game.  Borzov
was mild when posted against Carlos, C. Green, etc.
I wonder, was the demise of civilization predicted back then, too?

On another topic, how much credibility does the USATF Jesse Owens award still
have?  IAAF, USOC lists that woman with the 5 Olympic medals as their woman
of the year, but not her federation.  A definite miscue, in my opinion.

>>>>> The current sprinters are mild compared to the sprinters of the 60's and early 70's .. Guys like Hines, Greeene and CArlos would step on the track and ask the other guys who was taking second becasue they already had first lined up .. And THAT was mild .. Course when all was said and done everyone would go out partying together .. NOt sure if I would see MO and MJ out together at the same party .. Conway Hill

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