
In response to Ed's...thoughts

I would like to point out a few things:
> Women:
> JJ Clark - Head Coach
Besides being a University coach himself he happened to have coached 3 Olympians.  I 
would think he is quite credible.

> Chandra Cheeseborough - Asst. coach 
Chandra is and experienced international athlete, I don't know if she 
currently coaching but her experience will be useful. 
> Ramona Pagel - Asst. Coach
Again, an Olympian there for the younger athletes and she is a coaching 
though I can't remember where.  She is incredibly competent and has 
been on enough trips gone bad to know what not to do and what to take 
care of.
> John Rembao - Asst. Coach
Don't know.
> Maryanne Torrellas - Head Manager

Don't even question Maryanne's ability.

> Kim Duyst - Asst. Mgr.
Don't know.
> Men:
> Orin Richburg - Head Coach 
> Ron Allice - Asst. coach
> Ken Bantum - Asst. Coach
> Ken Brauman - Asst. coach 
> Kelly Sullivan - Asst. Coach
> James Williams - Head Mgr.
> Scott Davis - Asst. Mgr.

Of these i only know Kelly Sullivan who is as fine a coach as you would 
want - and isn't that Scott Davis of Mount Sac fame - don't go there 
either, Eddie.

Some one else can speak for the others.

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