jim observed:
> To those who think RWing is contrived on a 400 oval or the roads, watch it on 
> a steeply banked 11-lap try like MSG's. Gravity seems to be winning over 
> momentum.

Indeed Jim excellent observation.  Milrose is a special event for walkers 
as it is for many other events.  But the steep banks that help the 400 
guy don't help us at all.  In fact it is among the most difficult athletic 
challenges i have to face. Besides  the bank which I barely generate 
enough momentum to stay up on, i also face the slipryness of the dusty 
wood surface.  Walkers  wear flats which on the old wood surface was 
akin to ice skating.  A couple of walkers have tried to wear pin spikes on 
occasion with limited success. Ask Allen he still complains about being 
spiked.  Untop of these obstacles Milrose comes right in the middle of 
preparation for the National 50k.  How many marathoners would like to 
have to run an all out mile right in the middle of a marathon build up?

Since I can't just drop my millage I add strides on a daily basis to get 
used to the feel of the speed but I can't do "specific" mile training.  I add 
4*200 in 44-43 seconds after my hard workouts and 8*100 after the ez 
days in 21-18 seconds.  Since just about everyone does it this way no 
one gets an advantage.  I do some other things to help too.  Some 
things that hurdlers, shot putters and some distance runners would find 

First I work on a balance board or rocker board.  I do one leg squats 
with out letting the board move at all.  I also use a baps board. And I 
use a trampoline and heavy ball.  I stand on one leg and throw the heavy 
ball at another trampoline.  I even bounce on one leg throwing and 
catching the ball with each hand.  Also during the 6 weeks before 
Milrose I change my weight to lifting for strength.  I try to get my squat 
up to 250 and my bench to 185 to 200.  I make sure I am stretched as 
best i can be.  Its a serious meet and the one thing I care about is that i 
look good infront of 10,000 people.  Who BTW are screaming their 
collective brains out for who ever is racing on the track regardless of 

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