
I am not sure you have read my follow-up post to Mats.  From your comments
and copy below I don't think you have.

My point in that post was that my perception of Dr. Ljungqvist can only be
informed by the information I have about him which, in this case, comes from
his quotes in the media.  Your perception of him is informed by a personal
relationship.   I do not have that luxury.  I DO NOT think my conclusions
were wrong based on the information I had at the time.  If I knew what I
know now (that Ljungqvist's statements were taken out of context and shaped
by the journalist) I would not have posted.

However, Ljungqvist has regularly been quoted in the media in such a way as
to lead me to believe that the latest bit was the continued persecution of
USATF.  This may not be the case but it sure looked like it to me.

In the future I will be slower to fire off a post about Dr. Ljungqvist.
However, I do not think he is without reproach nor do I think he should be.
He is in a public position, making public statements, and thus is a public
figure open to criticism.  To have some moratorium on criticism of public
figures on the list or anywhere else is foolish and oppressive.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Uri Goldbourt, PhD
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 3:08 AM
Subject: RE: t-and-f: RE: IAAF threat to expel US federation

Come on, Arne Ljungquist is no McCarthy. You have never met Arne, have you?
. He is a previous outstanding high jumper, a physician, a thinker, a man
who loves athletics ( and loves athletes, and believe me, he despises no
one, including Americans). And nothing is further from him than witch hunt.

I wish the discussion about IAAF or other organizations in our network had
focused on the issues, not on persons and on makeshift opinions about them
based on hearsay.



-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:03 PM
Subject: RE: t-and-f: RE: IAAF threat to expel US federation

The same was likely said about Senator Joseph McCarthy in the early fifties
and many others who were on their own "witch hunts."

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Prof. Uri Goldbourt
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 1:01 AM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: RE: IAAF threat to expel US federation

This is bewildering.

I have know Arne Ljungquist for years. He is a man of integrity, of
expertise in track and Field and medical aspects associated with it and
it's about time the uninformed learned something about persons they try to


At 21:30 12/03/01 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>In a message dated 3/12/01 8:53:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
><< From a good source, I have learned that the IAAF has denied the report,
>apologized to USATF for the uproar.  Interesting. >>
>One only had to look at the source of the "threat" (Arne Lungqvist) to
>question its legitimacy.
>Walt Murphy

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