GH wrote:

>Subject: Re: t-and-f: X-Men (was: Reaction Time
>Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:09:51 EST
>In a message dated Tue, 20 Mar 2001  7:27:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
>"Kurt Bray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
><< I know, as Garry said, that there are physical limits to the speeds of 
>impulses, etc.  But given the wide variability routinely seen in biological
>systems, the same day we set some limit, some freak of nature is going to
>come along and prove to be an exception.>>
>You can't make rules based on the premise that there's an X-Man out there 
>somewhere.Or MIGHT be some day. You make rules that fit what's known, and 
>from everything I've seen, the 0.100 (as does 6:1 epi ratio) gives great 
>benefit of the doubt already.
>If any athlete(s) truly believe they can react faster than the 0.100 i 
>suggest they set up a scientificallyvalid demonstration for the IAAF and 
>ask for a waiver.
>ps--if there is anybody close to an x-man in this category, i nominate 
>Colin Jackson.


Perhaps X-man (or X-men) have already been here and we din't know it ... The 
consistent measuring of reaction itmes is relatively new in the sport ... 
Which makes the pool of data being used relatively small .. And during the 
time that this measurement has been available there have not been that many 
truly fast starters ...Colin Jackson and Jon Drummond being the best in 
recent times ... And what about Mark McKoy and Ben Johnson (yes I know some 
of you cringe)?? But both Canadians were quicker off the mark than the oft 
mentioned Jackson ... Does anyone know what their "routine" or fastest 
reaction times were ??? Or how about some other hurdlers like Arthur Blake 
who was a very quick starter ??

And what of some of the great starters from yesteryear who were never 
clocked for reaction ?? How about a Houston McTear, Mel Pender, Armin Hary, 
Herb Washington, Alexander Kornieliuk (who was faster out of the blocks than 
Borzov, Ivory Crocket, Desai Williams, just to name a few that quickly come 
to mind ... These men were all as fast as they come - Hary and McTear 
seemingly more so than any others .. But we have n o data for them so are we 
to assume that since we have no data that they were not the X-men for the 
equation ???

My point being that what's known is a very small blip compared to what has 
actually already happened in the sport ... And that a Drummond compares much 
more slosely to a Hary or McTear than to his contemporaries .. Which means 
there is the possibility that sub .1 reaction is possible ...

Conway Hill
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