Justin wrote:

>Hi All
>While US HS records may be of peripheral interest to me (not that that
>should curb the discussion in any way), Roy Martin is a name which conjures
>up some memories.
>Didn't Lorenzo Daniel run 20.13 in the same year ('85), so the two of them
>equalled the WJR?
>Also, didn't Roy Martin run an amazing prelim at the '84 OT, comprising the
>worst bend in 200m history and one of the best straights ever?
>Another impressive US HS record is the 10.13 from 1986 of......damn, name
>escapes me (I'm at work, no reference books). And he didn't even win the US
>Jnr title that year.
>Then came Steve Lewis with 43.87 in 1988. And Quincy Watts, William Reed,
>Joe DeLoach, Mike Marsh, Dennis Mitchell, Andre Cason. The mid to late 80s
>was a great time for US junior sprinting.

Martin ran awesome straights ... His runs in the US Olympic Trials in 84 
were awesome ... Still have them on tape ... That 100 record is held by 
Derrick Florence and took down the 10.16 that was set by Houston McTear in 
1976 ... Course McTear was teh most prolific high school sprinter ever as he 
was able to run in the 10.30s or better just about every time he set foot on 
the track ... He was legitimately world class ... And I would agree that th 
e80s were the most prolific period for high school sprsinters in US history 

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