Wooooooo!TM is a trademark of the Penn Relays. Be careful how you use it.
Keep up the signature. It's not my cup of tea, but, only a bigot would feel threatened from it.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: Texas Relays 4-200 Whos Running?

This is the worst moment in list history.
I come back to discussions of curbless tracks, slander, and the ever popular
topic of my signature.  Meanwhile, Texas relays is going on and some of the
nations and world's best are competing well.
In the 4x100 m JW North ran 45.79 to lead the nation, and the race was not
close.  Met a couple of the girls, and they are sophomore's!  TCU ran a
respectable 38.94, and Kim Collins felt they should have been running in our
race.  The HSI team of JD, Bernard, CJ, and Maurice posted the 4th fastest
time ever on US soil, 37.88.  And it wasn't close.  Octagon had a team of
Oba, Terrence, Shawn Crawford, and KST, in that order.
The race was over after the first exchange, as Bernard ran away from
Terrence, and Shawn took off early never to receive the baton.
In the 4x200 HSI ran the same 4 men, but CJ ran 1st, JD 2nd, Bernard to
Maurice.  A mixed team of Shawn C., Oba, Darren Campbell, and Rohsaan G ran
against us.  The race was over from the gun, but did not lack excitement.  CJ
had a tight hamy, and it showed as he came out of the hole in 21.5.  By the
time he handed the stick to JD, Oba was halfway around the bend, and flying.  
JD was clocked a 19.3, I suspect Oba was something similar.  But I do not
know their splits.  Bernard received the stick, and cut a good 8-10 meters
off of Darren C, drawing the his second "Wooooooo!" of the afternoon.  But
the Octagon team still had a good 10 meter lead by the time Maurice and
Rohsaan hit the straight.  This is where the loudest "Woooo!" came, as
Maurice proceeded to erase the entire deficit down the straight-away, falling
.02 short.  Bernard and Maurice split 20 flat, and 18.8 respectively.  The
wind was blowing fiercely down the backstretch all weekend.
In the 4x400, the most impressive run was by Long Beach Wilson, 3:40.88(?).  
LaShinda Demus lived up to billing as she put the race away in powerful

Faith is a road seldom traveled
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith" Hebrews 12: 1-2

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