The only thing I take issue with is your assertion
that no one can get what they need from food alone.
This is patently not true. Sure it may be more
convenient and even necessary in some cases to take
supplements but it is very possible( a lot of people
including top athletes, do it) to get what one needs
from food alone. 
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Forgive my lack of numbers, I have nutritionist for
> that information.
> But some misconceptions have to be stopped.  Brian
> made a very good point 
> that is being ignored, it takes a lot more food to
> get the same amount of 
> protein from a drink.  
> The people we are talking about have the best diets,
> and they still need 
> supplements.  If we are layman, it is no problem to
> carbo load, eat fruits 
> until we puke, and double the recommended intake. 
> But some of you are 
> ignoring the side effects of trying to get what you
> need from food, weight.  
> Not only weight, but the time, and energy to digest
> such foods, or that 
> amount of food.
> There was talk before concerning blood test to
> determine athletes 
> deficiencies.  Some of the best conditioned people
> found they were lacking in 
> some essentials, and needed to supplement their diet
> to compensate.
> That is all we are discussing here.  Whether it is
> A, C, B, or protein, it is 
> of great benefit to have and take the supplements
> and vitamins.
> Faith is a road seldom traveled
> Let us run with patience the race that is set before
> us, looking unto Jesus, 
> the author and finisher of our faith" Hebrews 12:
> 1-2 

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