Coach Nick makes some good points.  One more I'd like to make is that even
the big track powers who send legions to nationals, win titles, produce
world class athletes and so on...THEY DON'T MAKE ANY MONEY FOR THEIR SCHOOLS
OR THE NCAA!  Its a blackhole financially.  College track, post-collegiate
track, all of it.  People should be happy to get whatever scholarships or
money they get, as its basically just charity.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: Regionals

> Ed- (and list)
> your problem here is you think it is the NCAA's( and schools themselves)
> job's to get these kids ready for International comp?? GET REAL, this list
> so off base when they talk about this stuff, it isnt funny. If those 100
> more kids want to start in mid may that is fine, just let them pay their
> respective tuitions and do their thing.
> College Track is way more than the 1% who go to nationals, and as many of
> european folks will say, "school is for learning and Athletics is run by
> clubs" School is for people who wish to learn, school's sponsor sports
> (especailly non revenue one's) to give an all around experience for "mind
> body". While most schools love the press that having an athlete of theirs
> make the Olympic team or such gets them, don't think for a second that
> Ad's or presidents give two shits what USATF wants or does. 98% of Kids
> do NCAA Track will never go to a NCAA Meet, most schools never send
> and they dont stop having teams. These kids do it for their love of the
> sport, and the schools have the sport to enhance kids experiences, and
> know they will see that money back many times over in donations and the
>            Fire away!
> nick
> (with first hand experience at many different levels)

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