If I recall correctly, when USATF instituted the rule about requiring participation at nationals, they made no secret of the fact that the reasoning behind it was publicity.  You may disagree with the rule itself, but they are not trying to make it out to be anything it's not.  As I so often ask when something like this comes up, what position did the Athletes' advisory committee take on this when it came up?  Unless USATF has been told by the official voice of the athletes that they want or don't want something, how can they possibly know.  The reality is that the athletes rarely agree on anything (although I don't know about this case) and decisions have to be made based on the what is perceived to be best for "the sport".
I'd love to see a strong athletes union,as Darrell has suggested in the past.  Some of these decisions could be made much more effectively with a strong recommendation from the athletes.
- Ed Parrot
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 8:42 AM
Subject: t-and-f: The things we miss.

I think it is sad that the USATF has ruled against MJ being able to be added
to the relay pool. I think that the point that is often overlooked is the
rule itself. USATF instituted a rule that in order for an athlete to be able
to use the "wild card" granted to them by the IAAF they must compete in the
national meet.

<<But in an interview the chairman of the US men's track and field committee
John Chaplin said any athlete planning to run in Edmonton "has to go to the
(US) meet and run one round in one event." >>

Darrell, no athlete is going to lose their spot on the team, the 4th place
finisher will still go. This is just another attempt by the USATF to get
another free performance from the stars they use to market the sport. Your
athlete is a prime example. Greene is the defending WC in the 100/200 so he
has no need to compete at the national meet. Why doesn't USATF like that?
They lose some promotional power. I've always felt the USATF and the fans get
the best gift out there every single year. Could you imagine what it would
cost if they had to actually pay these men and women their true market value?
Fans often complain about the athletes not giving back when I say hogwash.
Although they may have to compete to make the team, people sometimes let the
"rules"(tricks) employed by the USATF to go by their radar. Why doesn't the
USATF just be honest about what they are trying to do instead of trying to
cover it up with the fairness to the other athletes angle? It's all about
them getting another free performance from the stars they need plain and

I say let MJ run. If he decided to run the 400 at nationals, he could line up
in the first round, stop after 100m and he still goes to the WC as a part of
the US team and will still be in the relay pool. For all the freebies he's
given the USATF and fans, it's time to look after the athletes. You have to
keep in mind that all MJ is asking for is to be included into the relay pool.
It is at the discretion of the coach to put him on the 4x4. If MJ shows his
fitness then I see no problem with him running, but then again I'm just an
old fan and not a youngster competing. It's about time we gave something back
to our athletes on their way out (especially if they are still on top of
their game).

Edward Caine, Esq.
You sure you want to hang with ol Eddie Caine Jr.? - 1997

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