Thanks to all who sent me information about Kurt Steiner. KJ.

Kurt Steiner: Driven by His Passion

Monday May 7, 2001
by Kamal Jabbour, Contributing Writer

When Lennie Tucker received the RRCA's Kurt Steiner Children's
Developmental Running Award, I wondered who Kurt Steiner was. A thorough
search on the World Wide Web revealed little information, so I turned to
my buddies on the running email list server. 

Allan Steinfeld, the director of the New York City Marathon, supplied the
facts. Kurt Steiner was born in Austria in 1921. He joined the French
Foreign Legion in 1939, and spent the next several years at outposts in
Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. The Germans captured him in Tunisia in 1943,
and confined him to a POW camp for two years. He escaped on a bicycle in
1945. Steiner later came to the United States, and served in the U.S. Army
in Korea. 

Kurt was a dedicated volunteer, race director and a founder of the running
movement in the NYC area. Along with Joe Klienerman of the NYRRC, Steiner
pioneered age group scoring and awards. He would travel all over the city
to officiate at races. His passion for the sport was surpassed only by his
passion for "childrens", as he called them in a heavy accent. 

Vic Navarra witnessed Steiner's kindness personally as a young boy of 7
years, when he stumbled upon a 3-mile race in Clove Lakes Park in Staten
Island. Steiner approached Navarra and encouraged him to run the race.
They ran together. After the race Steiner shared a towel and kind words
with the young runner, and awarded him his first medal. That chance
meeting inspired Navarra to a life of involvement in the sport of running. 

During the late sixties, Steiner organized many races for youths under the
New York Road Runners Club Banner. He was especially keen on cross-country
as the foundation for age group running. He established the RRCA Cross
Country Championships in NYC, which hosted between 3000 and 4000 kids. 

At start of many races at Van Cortlandt, Steiner took time to introduce
any famous or near-famous runners who happened to be competing that day,
including a recap of their athletic accomplishments. Sometimes this went
on for 10-15 minutes as the runners stood around on the start line,
shivering in the cold, waiting to race. 

Jim Gerweck of Running Times also remembers a famous Steiner line at the
start of many New York City: "If you can hear my voice, you can break 3

Steiner himself ran 99 marathons. He had a habit at Boston for as many
years as he could, to burst into the lead at the start and sprint as hard
as he could to establish the seriousness of the race for those of all
abilities. Short and stubby, he ran full of optimism. He was never a fast
runner but tried very hard which, of course, is all anyone can do.

Steiner passed away in 1993. His memory lives on every summer when runners
meet for the Kurt Steiner Summer Speed Run Series in NYC.

Kamal Jabbour's Running Column appears in the Post Standard every Monday.
He receives email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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