> The same goes for Ritzenheim.  As Grote has said, Ritz may be the best
> schooler in the last quarter century.  Possibly the best junior.  What a
> promotion to our younger athletes to see someone of their own age able to
> compete on the same stage as the seasoned pros.  Again, to use Kobe as an
> example.  He set the stage for pushing younger athletes to step up their
> game to another level.  To see Ritz in the 5,000 field may just help do
> same for our high school and collegiate runners.
> It will be truly dissapointing to me, as a fan, and athlete, and a USATF
> member to see them not find a way to market these two strenghts.

USATF has no realistic options for marketing Ritz.  High school and college
have him for another 4+ years.  Sure, they can issue press releases, but
that's about it.

- Ed Parrot

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