Clearly, one of us is on the wrong list. Maybe the moderator better let us know who.
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 23:16:14 -0400
From: Trey Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: t-and-f: Webb

With all of this talk about Webb, let's not forget several things.
1.    He didn't pick his high school coach.  What diference does it make
if the coach did or didn't run at a big college or ran fast or not.?
The important thing is that Webb believes in him.  Being an "arm chair"
coach is easy to do.  Let's drop this talk about his coach and/or his
methods or motives.

2.  Where Webb chooses to go to college is his business, not anyone on
this list or any magazine writer in the country. So let this issue
drop.  I am sure that he has already put a lot of thought into what he
wants to do, so let him do it in peace.

3.  What Webb runs at the Virginia State High School meet or at the
USATF meet or any other meet is his business.  Don't second guess what
he should or might do.

If this list is for news and results, then let it be for that.  If
individuals feel compled to discuss the above mentioned items, then do
if off list with those who want to partake in this venture.

And by the way, I don't have any vested interest in what Webb does, even
if I am a native Virginian.

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